Ok... May I please have my pants back now? It's cold out here.

David Fulton @JackSmack


Tabletop Game Dev


Joined on 11/11/04

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JackSmack's News

Posted by JackSmack - August 2nd, 2008

Howdy Everypeoples!

I just got done with my new game and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to head over to my website and test it out for me?

http://www.jacksmack.com/index.php?act ion=playgame&gameid=1087

I'm not quite ready to put it on Newgrounds and let it off into the wild yet. I want to make sure there are no major bugs that I haven't found yet.

From what feedback I have gotten so far this is an extremely addicting game that I have made so please take some time and tell me what you like about it and what you hate about it.


It will lag a bit on slower computers just a heads up on that. I have optimized it as much as I can at the moment. I will have to rip appart the code to optimize it more but I tested it on the slowest computer I could and it was still playable so... Might stay this way we will see.

Anyway please enjoy my new game and tell me what you think.

(To MindChamber: This isn't the epic project that I am working on that one is still coming.)

New Globs Game Released for Testing!

Posted by JackSmack - July 30th, 2008

Ok so I was looking on Alexa.com and this is the biggest mover right now.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog

OMG this it great! Funny as hell and who knew Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion could sing so well?

SERIOUSLY WATCH THIS! Its funny as hell. The music isn't even that bad!

On a side note I just hit the 50 lbs mark in how much weight I have lost! I'm feeling great and I'm working hard. Just thought I would share this link with you and see what you all thought of it.

OMG! Neil Patrick Harris Mad Scientist Musical Blog!

Posted by JackSmack - July 29th, 2008

Ok so just in case you didn't read my last post I got FIRED on friday. Personally I took it as a layoff because we didn't have much work going on.

So over the weekend I worked on my games and planned on starting my own web design business.

Monday rolls around and I make some cold calls. My first line of attack is to call up all the web design houses around the area and ask if they need any outside contactors to do work for them.

Apparently that was pretty ballzy of a move because most of the people I talked to said no one had ever done that to them.

I went on an interview with one of the companies that I talked to today and they made me an offer I can't really refuse. So... I guess getting fired was an awesome thing because this company had just started looking last week. And I fit the bill for everything they were looking for.

SO... Crisis averted. I was unemployed for a total of 2 business days. Makes me think I should have quit that job sooner cause I'm getting a much better deal at this place.

Anyway i will hopefully get Build a Robot 3 nearly completed this week. Though I might need some more time for the gallery system. It depends what the sponsor wants to do with it. I guess I will have to bug them a bit and ask.

Anywho... Good news and I won't be living on the streets! Oh he joy!

Posted by JackSmack - July 27th, 2008

I wanted to give an update to current projects and current situations.

I was planning on quitting my job before it moved away in September however... My job kinda quit me.
SO... Here I am unemployed and working on getting some business for http://www.portal-studios.com in the mean time while I look for a contract position to tide me over.

Oh the joys of coldcalling my ass off... Anyway I also have had time to work more on a few new projects...

Build a Robot 3 is chuggin away and should be done in a week or so... seeing as I have some time to work on it. However it will take a few iterations with a sponsor before it can be published and if I implement the integrated Database Gallery system it might take a little longer. It's something I really want to implement.

Take a look at the attached screenshot to see what the new robots will be able to look like. Also don't mind the reused background that will be gone in the final version.

Globules is a game that I have high hopes for... I don't want to say much about it other than it is a puzzle game, and it is more than 60% done! Again more on that in the near future.

I am also working on building engines for other types of games on top of that.
I am working on developing an economy system, an adventure game engine that will be easy to develop in, and I'm in the planning stages for a pretty cool pirate fighting game.

Anyway... please enjoy this Build a Robot 3 image and comment your ass off on it.

My job quit me!  More time for developing!

Posted by JackSmack - July 24th, 2008

Howdy everypeoples!

So I have been working hard to get back in the swing of things on the flash development front and I have updated my website...


Please stop by and take a look and tell me what you think in a comment on this post!

My next line of business will be adding a forum to the site however I need to get my games completed as well so that might bw a while before there is a forum.

I have made it as easy as I can to submit content to the portal. So flash developers, iof you have any quality games or movies submit them! Even if they are not new as long as they are good they will always be new to someone!

Also please keep an eye on Flash Distribution: Main and if you find any good sites to upload content to please post in that thread. I will be updating it from time to time and hopefully we whill wind up with a mammoth list of places to choose from.

Who knows we might even make some kind of automated system for developers to use... You never know.

IN OTHER COMPLETELY UNRELATED NEWS: I have been given the status of MASTER BURRITO AMBASSADOR for Chipotle Restaraunts! This means I get T-shirts and free food from my favorite restaraunt! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?

Anyway if you haven't tried Chipotle Mexican Grill go get yourself a steak burrito. It's like eating the tasiest football you have ever imagined.

And just so you know... I don't even like mexican food but this is some AWESOME stuff so go try it now and tell me what you thought!

JackSmack.com Flash Portal Upgraded!

Posted by JackSmack - July 23rd, 2008

So... I got some really good news today!

I know most of you will think I'm retarded or something but I'm genuinely stoked abou this.

I was just made a Master Burrito Ambassador for Chipotle! Seriously that makes my month.

Also I got my new game a few steps closer to completion. Don't look for anything until Comic Con is over and dead though cause I don't know if I can crank anything out that fast.

Posted by JackSmack - July 11th, 2008

So... my job is moving away from me and I really don't want 3+ hours of commuting every day so I'm working on starting doing freelance web design and making flash games for a living.

I plan to work as a freelance web designer and flash game artist for a month or so until I need to get a ccontract position to restock the coffers.

If you have any experiance with this please let me know here or on a PM.

The community is having a conversation about this topic here on this forum post.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/93 5335

If you have anything you would like to add please drop by and let me know your thoughts.

Posted by JackSmack - July 10th, 2008

I took this picture of my dog the other day... no his face doesn't normally look like that I must have caught him when he was just about to bark or something. I just thought I would share and perhaps make someone smile.

What would be a good caption for this do you think?

My dog is wierd... what would be a good caption?

Posted by JackSmack - July 8th, 2008

I have just released a new tutorial for flash developers about how to draw in retro style in flash.


It has been over a year since the last one was released and quite a few people have been requesting it. Please leave me a comment and if you like it submit it to the flash tutorials collection.

On a side note I am working on Build a Robot 3 and things are going well. There is no battle system in the game like I was hoping for but the game will still have more than enough content to keep you building robots for hours.

Anyway if you are an old friend of mine please drop me a PM or if you want to be a new friend of mine drop me a PM. I would love to touch base with flash developers.

Posted by JackSmack - June 26th, 2008

Well here goes nothing, I'm not to good at blogging so if I forget to post here don't kill me or anything.

I have been working every night on my newest game BAR3 and tonight on a whim I gave my logo a little bit of polish.

What do you think? The new one is animated.

New logo and workin on Build a Robot.