There's an expo for board and card games isn't there? Maybe if you go over, you can afford to attend one of those things. How's the proposal going? Will you be making a video demo/instructional?
Ok... May I please have my pants back now? It's cold out here.
Tabletop Game Dev
Joined on 11/11/04
There's an expo for board and card games isn't there? Maybe if you go over, you can afford to attend one of those things. How's the proposal going? Will you be making a video demo/instructional?
Looking tre bien from what I've seen so far!
So is Super Chibi Knight. Congrats on your kickstarter funding by the way.
Any chance Milton Bradley or another company would be interested in producing this?
I seriously doubt it. It's far more complex than a simple roll and move game. Mainstream games are really dumbed down compared to the general hobby board game market. Milton Bradley sticks to things that are firmly in the, not intimidating to try to play market.